REMM – Summary in English
The Swedish transport administration (Trafikverket) was 2011–2015 commissioned by the Government to lead and coordinate the project REMM (Virtual Meetings in Public Agencies). REMM organizes the work of a number of designated public agencies, in their efforts to increase the share of virtual meetings in their business communication, within the agency as well as with other public agencies.
The first 20 public agencies involved in Sweden were Arbetsförmedlingen, Bolagsverket, CSN, Energimyndigheten, Försäkringskassan, Jordbruksverket, Kammarkollegiet, Lantmäteriet, MSB, Naturvårdsverket, Pensionsmyndigheten, Post- och telestyrelsen, Regeringskansliet, Riksarkivet, Rikspolisstyrelsen, Skatteverket, Tillväxtverket, Trafikverket, Transportstyrelsen, Tullverket. From 2016, 67 additional agencies are requested by the Swedish government to increase their share of virtual meetings by applying the REMM-method. Now, REMM is run by the Swedish Transport Administration.
One important tool for REMM is a Guide to Virtual Meetings – A ten steps tutorial to making virtual meetings an integrated part of your organization’s meeting culture.
Read more about the REMM project and its outcomes in the scientific article: Green IT in Practice: Virtual Meetings in Swedish Public Agencies.
12 success factors in virtual meetings – to share with the participants prior to the meeting.